of teams were only looking three to six months ahead on headcount planning.
of teams aren’t looking ahead at all.

Talent acquisition teams have had a tumultuous time of it over the last few years.
A volatile economy, continuous layoffs, and job market conditions have created a shaky terrain for hiring. The big quit has become the big stay as employees are choosing job security over plumper salaries. Budgets are down, projecting headcount has become a moving target, and the labor market is at a near-standstill, with fewer roles available than ever.
In the face of so much instability, it’s little wonder that talent teams are struggling with how to plan for what’s coming next. But as hiring starts to heat up once more, now’s the time to get your processes and talent strategy in order so that when crunch time comes, you’re ready.
Here’s how to plan your capacity when it’s hard to plan, period.