
How Talentful Can Help Scale Your Team Post-Covid

Whether your business is looking to kickstart their tech hiring, commercial hiring, focusing on building diverse pipelines or breaking into exciting new markets – we have the tools and processes you need to outrun the competition.

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Since Talentful was founded in 2015, our embedded recruitment model has ensured sustainable growth for over 200 of the most innovative and ambitious brands around the world including Pinterest, Microsoft, Atlassian and Octopus Energy.

With our transparent subscription-based service, our experienced team of 300+ talent professionals are focused on what’s best for businesses, not on commission. From implementing proven recruitment techniques to process reviews, workforce planning, employer brand content and diversity workshops, our in-house talent experts are committed to helping tech companies not only reach their hiring targets but exceed them.

Here are some of the ways we help organisations achieve growth quickly and efficiently, even against the backdrop of the War for Talent.

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We provide our partners with highly experienced in-house talent experts that are passionate about recruitment

We have built a global team of in-house recruitment experts who have an incredible breadth of industry experience. This, along with access to our global talent network across the US and EMEA gets companies the best candidates, fast.

Our highly experienced talent experts act as a flexible onsite extension of in-house talent functions to ensure the best cultural matches and outstanding recruitment experiences for both top-tier talent and companies. Embedding our talent experts in-house enables us to make dramatic improvements to our partners’ recruitment processes quickly that save talent acquisition leaders time, money and resources.

We don’t just fill positions, we take a holistic approach to recruitment and bring our experience and ideas to the table to ensure our partners are set up for success for the long term. Having worked with over 200+ businesses since the consultancy was founded and through the most challenging periods of the pandemic, we have collated detailed insights around salary benchmarks, onboarding processes, sourcing statistics and effective tech hiring processes that our experts are able to share with clients.

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Every project starts with a talent audit enabling us to understand our partners’ challenges and goals

Since the pandemic began, many company leaders have had to make difficult decisions including significant company restructures and even letting go of valued team members. Other businesses have seen unprecedented growth, which many leaders and talent teams were unprepared for.

Whether it’s a pandemic or a change in the market, businesses have always needed to adapt and be reactive to change. By conducting an in-depth talent audit, businesses are able to identify any gaps in their resources or in-house skills and take action to correct them quickly.

Over the last few years, we have developed an in-depth talent audit that combines our expertise with insights from the hundreds of innovative tech businesses we’ve worked with, ranging from start-ups to global enterprises. As part of our onboarding process with new clients, we carry out a talent audit to build an accurate picture of what’s working well within the organisation and which areas can be addressed and improved with the help of our embedded experts.

Once we have the data we need, we plot the results against the Talentful Maturity Model, allowing us to assess six key areas:

– Process and strategy
– Candidate attraction
– Candidate assessment
– Tools
– Analytics
– Employer branding

An overall score is then calculated, which informs the talent function’s current stage of maturity. Our team of experts can then advise our clients on the steps to accelerate their talent function to attract, hire, and retain top-tier talent at scale successfully.

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With Talentful’s embedded recruitment model, there’s no commission or hidden agendas

We help innovative tech companies achieve their hiring goals by providing experienced in-house talent acquisition teams via a transparent monthly subscription model with no hidden fees or commissions to pay. In fact, we save our clients an average of 48% based on our flexible subscription model versus a traditional commission-based agency model.

Our lean subscription model means businesses only pay for the expertise of the Talentful team members who join the team in-house. There are no extra fees to pay on individual roles, as we believe that commission is counterproductive to sustainable growth.

All of our LinkedIn licences, L&D budgets and recruitment tools come out of our own pocket rather than our clients’, because we feel it’s the best way to retain and develop our talent and partnerships.

To find the best talent, you have to start with the best talent. Our experts are at the very top of their game, with years of industry experience they know exactly how to build the teams you need to scale your business.

Get in touch with us today to find out how our best-in-class services can help your company. 

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Welcome to Talentful

We help talent leaders succeed by providing experienced in-house talent acquisition teams who are dedicated to your business via a monthly subscription model, allowing you to scale quickly and efficiently.

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